Red box installation


477 Owner
Hello to the Himalayan community ,
I am new to the forum , to present myself quickly i am from France and have succefully completed 15 000 km on the himalayan .
The bike give me a smile every day and i hope it will continue .

I have recently bought a 477 bore up kit and a red box .
The kit is installed but the red box not yet .
My concern about the red box is :
Do i need to preload some maps to use it or can i use the box straigh foward ?
I have download the software but don't understand how it run .
Does somebody can explain me ? ( i have read the tread "how to load map to the box properly" ) but still don't get it
Kind regards
I have recently bought a 477 bore up kit and a red box .
May I inquire where you have bought it? I have no records of selling another one to France.

You should not use the box as is assuming it is in its original state (which of course I dont know because I have no idea how you got it)

First you download the V5 map from here:
Filename: 477 EXPERIMENTAL MAP V5.0
then unzip the map file inside the ZIP container. I dont know what system you use so you have figure that out by yourself.

(Later you can ask @Sasa for the V6 - but get it to run on 5 first to understand the process)

Connect the red box to your bike's harness replacing the stock ECU. Then via USB to your Laptop.

After you connected the red box to your computer via usb cable is the software recognizing the red box? When you click here does it turn green and "on"?

if YES then you click on Open here:


select the map file (the one you have just downloaded and extracted from the zip file) by double clicking it

Now the values in the window change (if they don't you did it wrong)

then you click here:


Now you need to calibrate the TPS value - click on this:


Open the throttle fully 3 times in a row

Now you should be all set. (I hope I havnt forgotten anything - I have no red box handy at the moment so the last part is from memory)
Hi Sam ,

Thank for your quick reply .

Concerning the kit, i bought it from a person on the second hand market , he never install it on his bike as he sell it .
He advice me to join the forum so maybe he buy it from here first .

About the red box , Himalayan is mark on it , so maybe it already preset with some maps inside .
I will follow the procedure you give to be sure .
As a understand the V5 will work with the 477 cc but which mapping should i use ( i guess 3 or 4 ? )
Concerning the map V6 what is the difference between them ?
Thank for your help , i keep you update
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read the descriptions of the 4 maps on the download page, then choose the one that fits you best.

These maps have been optimized over a long period of time. V6 is just better than V5.

Whats was the first name of the guy you bought it from? That gives me an idea of what configuration you have.
Hello @stormy and welcome to the show.

Could you detail your current configuration of the bike? This way we can see what maps suits your needs best.
I bough the kit from Patrick , concerning the setting the bike has a Tec cam and the big bore .
Air filter is Oem and the kit has 100 km ..( breaking in procces , max 4000 rpm ) .
For the map i will prefer to emphasis maximun torque value.
Here pictures of the kit , before / after 👍✌️


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@stormy since you have a cam installed and a free flowing exhaust V5 will be adequate to your need.

As per description of the maps within V5 file, I suggest you use map1 throughall the break in process.

After that it comes down on personal choice between map1 and map3.
Map2 is a performance map and thus it will give you more throttle response and overall performance but it will also stress the engine more, so be advised not to use that map as the primary map or during hot weather days (35+°C).

Map4 is higher altitudes map, so use it above 2000m.

About torque, unfortunately you have the wrong choice of cam, as TEC is more focused on higher RPM performances rather than low end torque. For that you'd be better using a HT-b cam. They won't differ much, but there is a difference between the two.
You were given Good Advice;)
Welcome to the group, please keep us informed of your experience oh and hang on:)
I hope Patrick gave you the better oil ring I sent to him separately. And also the HT t-shirt ✌😁😜
I hope Patrick gave you the better oil ring I sent to him separately. And also the HT t-shirt ✌😁😜
About the ring the 2 oil rings where not mark with a top side mark but was moving freely as you describe in the pdf notice.
If they were installed in the wrong side, does they not move at all ?
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@stormy since you have a cam installed and a free flowing exhaust V5 will be adequate to your need.

As per description of the maps within V5 file, I suggest you use map1 throughall the break in process.

After that it comes down on personal choice between map1 and map3.
Map2 is a performance map and thus it will give you more throttle response and overall performance but it will also stress the engine more, so be advised not to use that map as the primary map or during hot weather days (35+°C).

Map4 is higher altitudes map, so use it above 2000m.

About torque, unfortunately you have the wrong choice of cam, as TEC is more focused on higher RPM performances rather than low end torque. For that you'd be better using a HT-b cam. They won't differ much, but there is a difference between the two.
Thank Sasa for you advice , i will plug the red box as soon the first 500 km will be done
Thank Sasa for you advice , i will plug the red box as soon the first 500 km will be done
I urge you to fit the RB as soon as possible.

Break in period is the most crucial for the engine and, without a proper fuel management, you're running very lean, which is far from ideal for a newly mounted cylinder/piston combo. Ideally during break in you should run rich, not lean, to avoid to overheat metal parts that have not properly bed in and heat threated by the repeated combustion process.
About the ring i don't know but i can notice that the 2 oil rings where not mark with a top side mark ...

I urge you to fit the RB as soon as possible.

Break in period is the most crucial for the engine and, without a proper fuel management, you're running very lean, which is far from ideal for a newly mounted cylinder/piston combo. Ideally during break in you should run rich, not lean, to avoid to overheat metal parts that have not properly bed in and heat threated by the repeated combustion process.
Yes Sasa i will install it asap
About the ring the 2 oil rings where not mark with a top side mark but was moving freely as you describe in the pdf notice.
If they were installed in the wrong side, does they not move at all ?
Oil ring has 3 parts the Spacer needs to be installed so that it's ends Butt up together and not over each other, then install the other 2( keeping the ends away from the front and back of the groove which has holes in) if it moves freely it should be installed correct.
Oil ring has 3 parts the Spacer needs to be installed so that it's ends Butt up together and not over each other, then install the other 2( keeping the ends away from the front and back of the groove which has holes in) if it moves freely it should be installed correct.
Ok they must be set up properly
Today the Red box has been plug but i am facing some issues .
The software reconize the box , the battery voltage is indicate as well as the temperature but other parameter are missing , the Throttle calibration is not working and loading maps is impossible .
A message of error appear on the software saying "Conversion of the side is not possible in "Single" type mode" .
I will send some picture of the message .

Actually the bike is running with the preload map 2 ( for 500 cc / rich fuel ) .
There is a big difference between the Oem ecu and the Red box with the kit .
The bike has more availaible torque and feel more alive but still the map is not optimize ( very bad iddle and backfire ).
Sam can you give me advice for making the software running to load the V5 ?
The software has been install on two different laptop running on windows 10 but still get the error message


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The software has been install on two different laptop running on windows 10 but still get the error message
from the first picture it seems like the software recognizes the box, I don't understand at which point you get the error in the second picture!

Anyhow I've never seen anything like it.

if you are able to connect the software to the red box (upper right ECU switch to the right and green, like the first picture) simply open V5 file and then, once it has loaded, simply press "send all" to upload all tables from V5 file into the RB.

After that you should do the throttle learn procedure. Alternatively follow the procedure described in the thread "how to properly swap a map on the red box".

BTW did you install the driver for the cable? They are in a separated folder respect to the main software.