Today just for fun I took the Head off the 500 and put it back on the 443, not so fast!,
So first the one bike goes up on the Bench and its head is removed, that Bike is removed from the Bench and the next bike goes up.
the Head is removed from that Bike and it goes down the other Bike goes back on the Bench and the Head from the First Job goes onto the Bike on the Bench?, Hopefully one of them starts up at the end of all this, and it did.
The 443 is now breathing thru its original "Pearler " head and with a 36mm TB to see if it can take/needs more! Test ride tomorrow.
500 goes back on the Bench and is reduced to 471 and OEM throttle Body, OEM head and HTC Cam if Fedex can sort their shit out and I get the said Cam
.Fedex is shit here, they consolidated with TNT and went downhill at a rate of Knots I would complain to them but that would be a waste of time as they are!
So here are the 2 disabled Himalayans, 2 exhausts hanging up ( wear gloves for that part !) ( that was Easy but the second petrol tank came off before I had spot for it !

it sat on the back of the Ute for want of a better place), need more shelves. Or less crap on the shelves I have already

Interesting building and riding 2 different Builds at once and slightly confusing as well, not saying I got bits mixed up but just saying
After Swapping Heads previously I noticed the 500 improvement of 1 second 0 to 100 and the 443 was still capable of it's previous time when tested so the difference was in the Inlet/Manifold/Throttle Body area.

If you take a look at the Bs3 you can see the Carby is quite close to the Head whereas the EFI version is further away, part of the INB Carb conversion is the longer connection between the Carb and the Airbox! Part number irrelevant because I do not have an Airbox!
Tensioning Head Bolts, I just want to give away something here!, the Front, Right hand side Head bolt Hole has a tendency to fill with Oil, it can be a Big Problem.
I would recommend using a Syringe to suck out the oil from there, seriously.
I found some indication that I have Over Stressed this Build. the clean spot where the Exhaust Valve has "Kissed" the Piston is not evident on either Head/Exhaust valve. This is the 443.