Fig Jam 477cc ;)

I am glad I included the disclaimer, so its 1, 2 and 3 or 4!
Im waiting for @Sasa to get and digest the Data, my optimistic take on this is, I need a Bigger Throttle Body :)
Chart shows the previous run with stock Head and H-T b Cam in Red, Blue is the Loser!
Secxond chart shows how well the Fueling is at 30% throttle, how good is that? Magic !
Next Run booked in 1 month.


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Today. I removed the Stock Cam and replaced it with H-T b Cam, I did compression tests before and after and got results that were the opposite of what I imagined.
190 first up Then after the H-T b Cam went in 220psi :confused:
Took 2 hours and 2 strong IPA's and I chatted :p with 2 people on 2 different apps, I know nothing about Numerology either but that's a lot of 2's:ROFLMAO:
I only got 180 psi out of my 411 with ht-b cam :unsure:


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The duration of Valve openings cause loss of compression, I was told.
500 comes along, fitted the piston to the Cylinder 3 times just to be sure, first time I didnt like the feel of it so wanted to check the oil ring( good thing I did as the spacer had jumped itself), then after fitting to the Con Rod I realized it was backwards!

I am sure its in right now,
1 Italian Pistons are too High! 3rd one Ive had.

2 Had to feed the Gasket down the Cam Chain Tunnel or take the Circlip off again.

3 Pick a Cam, ill go for the one on the Left.

5 The Right way to tighten Cam Bolts, Stanley Blade is not optional.


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Riding a wave of euphoria after the world record on the 443 I decided to work on the 500 today to make it better.

Perhaps a ride would have been better, so just a short one to get in the bench and out with the fuel, off with the tank.
didnt take long to make it unusable.

I hacked out a cheapo manifold adaptor and made fit the 37mm throttle body because I have a TPS sorted for it, mounted the TB with the shaft vertical enabling me better access to the Idle screw, meant the cable was a bit uncomfortable!

Fired up like a bought one, had to hold the revs then realized it was Idling way high like 1900rpm and Hunting , I adjusted the idle down and gave it more fuel just in that area but it persisted in being a pig.

I looked around at what spray cans I had and it was either Chain Lube or CO2 cleaner, sprayed the manifold with the CO2 and it stopped instantly!

always the Scientist I restarted it and did the same with the Chain Lube :geek:

So the manifold leaks that explains the Hunting which is a lean symptom, it had warped from being installed, Silastic left overnight would have sufficed but I removed the whole lot and started with a billet aluminum flange.

Finally got that installed and it woudnt fire so I gave up and had a shower:poop:
So no matter how many times you fit the Plug to the Injector, its the last time that counts ;)
Fired up and I played with the Idle adjustment , had to cut down a hex key , idle adjustment has not gotten easier.
Using a smaller Airfilter and with the IAT sensor "inserted" at the back.
Cold Idle is at present obtained with a bolt in a Vacuum line, in for hot , out for cold:giggle: what could go wrong?


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Will not start with the screw in the hose, even with a well set idle it needs that little bit of extra air for a short while.
This TB mod although working is not inspiring, I need to do something else.
Will not start with the screw in the hose, even with a well set idle it needs that little bit of extra air for a short while.
This TB mod although working is not inspiring, I need to do something else.
@Dool as depressing as it sounds, I think that 37mm TB is garbage and it brings more problems than benefit...

Best solution is probably a 34mm Conti TB or even a stock unit...

That 36mm you have is difficult to set, as you should do some testing with multimeter to determine which are the pins you have to connect, but you need a stable 5V source to be connected first, and also in that case we don't know to which pin the 5V should be connected.

A solution would be sourcing the schematics of the Yahama NVX/Aerox 155 scooter (for which the 36mm is intended) but I couldn't find anything usable (without paying) on the net... Also those workshop manual that are available for sale are not very inspiring, as they seem badly scanned from paper units...
The fancy TPS has 5 pins
it needs to output 2 signals, Map should start high and go lower when Vacuum applied.

TPS opposite way, so I recon the middle terminal will be a common like earth with the signal pins on the out side, that leaves 2 pins:geek: to go to the ECU.
Can you see any logic with that?

Edit, out of 5 pins I was correct on 1 only, the middle one.:rolleyes:
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First start was hampered by the engine cutting out, I was sure it was electrical, checked a fuse or 3 then it was ok, nothing to do with the Fuse!
Because it had lost all of the oil from the cooler and lines it was shutting down like it is supposed to do, Low Oil Pressure!
Noise was unpleasant during the Bed in process but what sounds like the Valves hitting the Piston mellowed in time and it starts and Idles well as the video shows.
Now listen to this, and it was worse!

Now that is an unpleasant sound...
It's silly to ask, but is the camshaft timing correct? I know you can change a camshaft blindfolded and with a hand behind your back, but that sounded really weird!
Yes it is awesome, I did have a couple of beers while I did the job but it lined up ok( from memory) 😁.
Now I understand the guy who complained about the noise, but hey this is not my Transportation device so I will persevere until it blows up or I think of something :confused:
See how it runs tomorrow morning. EDIT , GOOD IDEA as it turns out !
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Strange how me having a sleep changed the sound! much quieter this morning, well behaved at Idle with the screw out of the hose :)

Strange also the Compression has Dropped by nearly ,30 Psi:unsure:

So same build had almost 240psi before the Throttle Body and Cam were changed and the Weather hasnt changed that much:ROFLMAO:

Rides,,,strong I would say, when asked, the engine has plenty to offer, should make for an interesting Torque curve, 6000rpm is as high as Ive taken it, more time tomorrow.
Maybe @Sasa will map it to say, 7500rpm red line with a limiter of 8500 ( dont want to go too high ), its a pity @RCruiser has lost his Map, like Im thinking I am way in the Lead at the moment😎:ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:


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I cant help myself, Seems Im not alone :unsure:

Might be some interest in a 500cc Himalayan after all😎


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You lead, people follow; gotta be pioneers or nobody would move I think.
btw I found my MAP. Now if I could find a CAM...
Next week is pretty close now, Cams should be, just around the Corner 😁