I have to get a Kent to put my engine on par with yours @Dool, but it's on my "to do" list!Back to Topic
Yesterday I did another Dyno Run on a V8, well that was the Map number anyhow
@Sasa has optimized this map from the previous best of the Dyno run before.
The result is an awesome Tune that gives a great Torque Curve.
The Dyno Man agrees that not much else can be done and we (Sasa and I) concur so the last job was fitting the larger cooler.
Next Dyno will be 477 just have to build one and run it in.
My aim is to make a engine that is the same as Sasa's so we can benefit from the Data I collect at the Dyno and make a set of maps from daily rider to Drag racer mode.
Wasn’t that supposed to be this week???Fortunate fella you are! Me, my 'time window', is closing quickly and I have no CAM-dam! What I mean is that the weather is getting warmer already, and it'll get hot quickly now, so I hope that dam-CAM arrives soon! How long have I been saying this???
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Yesterday I did another Dyno Run on a V8, well that was the Map number anyhow
@Sasa has optimized this map from the previous best of the Dyno run before.
The result is an awesome Tune that gives a great Torque Curve.
The Dyno Man agrees that not much else can be done and we (Sasa and I) concur so the last job was fitting the larger cooler.
Next Dyno will be 477 just have to build one and run it in.
My aim is to make a engine that is the same as Sasa's so we can benefit from the Data I collect at the Dyno and make a set of maps from daily rider to Drag racer mode.
Awesome!Quoting yourself is not necisarily Dementia
Back to the V8 ! I just had a ride on my 500 it doesent feel like a V8 but it is nothing like a 411 either.
Yesterday I took a suggestion from @Sasa to Swap Heads from the bike that was running really awesome ( I would call a 48% gain awesome) and put it on the Bike that was not performing so well ie give the 500 a Head/Lung transplant.
Throttle Body and Air Filter, Injector/Manifold plus the RB with the V8 map and the Head and Cam were removed from the 443 and bolted on to the 500.
I watched over the entire process but was unable to make a Video, because I was alone making History
Sasa did send me a few messages on whatsap and I had some Watermelon Flavoured Beer and my first Paan in 40 years so I couldnt talk anyhow
Hardest part of this job was "why am I doing this" ringing in my ears, the 443 goes like a Bat out of Hell and I am pulling it apart for what?
But collecting Data is a worthwhile task and by the time both bikes had been stripped of their bits and on and off the bench I was keen to get one back together.
Before the Tank went on I did a Compression test, 230psi but expect that will be a bit lower in a Day or so when next checked.
Bike fired up well tappets are tight and quiet, 3 and 9 thou.
Test ride today and it pulls very well and from low down, revs freely to 7k and has no apparent flat spots, 5k revs doing 100kph the AFR reads steady low 14's.
So Dyno time
But what to do with poor 443![]()
Don't forget a 0-100 test!Throttle Body must be looked at in it's entirety, Manifold, adaptor and Port., just looking at the 500 Manifold yesterday I can see a problem where the angle of the adaptor could be causing concern.
Tomorrow I will do another compression test and load V8. 1.
"Carburetor" ?"In fact, if you’re looking at a dyno chart, some of the most important numbers aren’t even recorded (1500-3000 RPM) because dynamometers can’t accurately record them."
Stolen of course, a pertinent comment and My charts confirm it,
My Charts show nothing below 2800RPM
Your Butt is better below 3000RPM than a Dyno, less so at 7500
My Charts also show a Torque Peak around 3500, again Dyno related and unfortunately not felt in the Butt
I found this looking for info on a CDI unit that fits, a Honda Crf230 as well as GY200 ,TMX155 and others.
Common denominator being they are all single cylinder SOHC Carburetor Air cooled engines.
And so is the Himalayan!
Continued on another thread![]()