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Modern versions of Noah's Ark,
someone have problems with reality?


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Modern versions of Noah's Ark,
someone have problems with reality?
if the question is for real I would have no problem deciding which one of you is delusional.
If you deem Musk delusional you must think that "human rational thinking" prevails over omnipresent stupidity in the face of nuclear weapons and bio labs that play with virii of varying lethality.
Whether or not his timeline is real - I dont know and if the past is any indicator it will take longer than he hopes - but the general idea to have a few million humans (mostly smart ones on top of it) on mars seem a sensible idea. I would even vote for a sperm bank on mars filled with stuff from IQ over 130 individuals - that may replace the idiots that will soon populate this planet even without a world war - just watch the number of kids smart people have vs the idiots having a lot (in general). as soon as AI takes over the production process and money goes the way of the nickel newspaper all they will do is fuck and have kids - if for no other reason than it is "fun" when the survivability of many kids is no longer an issue because all basic needs are free. fuck - even if there is a very small survivability these idiots procreate like rabbits - look at Africa. The lower the income the more kids. I know its not the "woke" common beloved idea but its an easily verifiable truth.
The idea is as stoopid as the original story which is fiction.
Being noisy doesent mean one is right and he is noisy! funny how IQ gets mentioned as if it's important, like Trump says he has a high IQ and seems as thick as 2 short planks, they should send him to Mars right away along with all the other high IQ people, seems they don't breed fast enough here :ROFLMAO: :)
The idea is as stoopid as the original story which is fiction.
well, I dont know what original story you refer to (not adam and eve I presume) - and while you are right that IQ is not everything, everything is shit if you dont have one thats above say -at least 100 ... and even with 135 life isnt easy and most things remain a mystery. In fact you are just smart enough to realize how limited your understanding is. For most others there is the Dunning Kruger effect at work.

The Dunning–Kruger effect is a cognitive bias whereby people with low ability, expertise, or experience regarding a certain type of task or area of knowledge tend to overestimate their ability or knowledge. Wikipedia

Now if you want to know why most people of the 8 billion still live in shitholes and fight for their plain survival - the answer is in this statistic:

About Trump: he is just smart enough to convince the masses - thats not high IQ, thats a misaligned natural resource :) the only one who ever mentioned his "high IQ" was he himself and he is a politician.
I was under the impression it was something in the Water?
Seems to be working as planned,
" I dont know what original story you refer to (not adam and eve I presume) "

Modern versions of Noah's Ark,, and you presume who? someone wasnt listening at Sunday School :ROFLMAO:
well, I dont know what original story you refer to (not adam and eve I presume) - and while you are right that IQ is not everything, everything is shit if you dont have one thats above say -at least 100 ... and even with 135 life isnt easy and most things remain a mystery. In fact you are just smart enough to realize how limited your understanding is. For most others there is the Dunning Kruger effect at work.

Now if you want to know why most people of the 8 billion still live in shitholes and fight for their plain survival - the answer is in this statistic:

About Trump: he is just smart enough to convince the masses - thats not high IQ, thats a misaligned natural resource :) the only one who ever mentioned his "high IQ" was he himself and he is a politician.
It is very funny you mentioned that website, when it's probably the other way around.

Lack of food and vitamins lead to malnutrition and loss of IQ.

And by the way I seriously doubt that the US have and higher IQ than Italy (as a mean).
I've dealt with a lot of US people (for work), from technicians to engineers and even PhD. They didn't seem that smart to me...

Also when you mentioned a value (130) you should referrer it to a scale, there are plenty that measure IQ and most of the time is purely related to space/logic competences, topic in which an engineer would usually score pretty high. BTW IQ is a complex topic with many facelets, very difficult to encompass everything in a number...
Not being a racist but remember when we saw pictures in the old days and lots of Japanese wore glasses, nutrition plays a big part in that too and Chinese were mostly short, well they have Basketball Players now, nutrition again I think.
What was that German who decided he was part of a super race? spose he had a high IQ too.
yeah, well, nutririon plays a role and upbringing and other things but if you look at intelligence from a purely physical and data based point then it becomes clear that ca. 70 to 80% are genetically predetermined. all kinds of animal studies support that picture however it does not fit the "zeitgeist" which wants to blame it on other factors, namely the ones mentioned above.
Yes engineers are the best but what is the egg, what the hen? are engineers engineers bc an elon musk like iq is best suited for that role or is he what he is because his mother fed him vitamins?
you cant have your cake and eat it. either you look at unmodified data or you succumb to social pressure and believe what the mostly politically cleaned up search engine shows you.
There is always the individual experience - which is mostly useless for a wider evaluation - and then there is a big picture which everyone who cares can see. The big pictures clearly shows that given identical circumstances (meaning over short to medium timeframes an unchanged environment - so no selective vitamin deficiencies) when left to lesser intelligent populations a country goes down the drain. Look at South Africa, or Africa in general. Blame it all on the big bad white wolf - or be smart and look at the data.
Same goes for India vs. China - A 30 point difference in IQ on average. Do you think India will be the new China (like their corrupt PM likes to tell everyone)? Be my guest. I live here. I know what works and what does not work and why.
And beware of Dunning Kruger.
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I was under the impression it was something in the Water?
Seems to be working as planned,
in some areas (not any more in Germany but in some US states) - but wide spread in toothpaste, even some "natural"brands.
Modern versions of Noah's Ark,, and you presume who? someone wasnt listening at Sunday School :ROFLMAO:
You are right, Noah's ark is the better meme here - although "adam and eve" as the first procreating humans on mars may come in a close second LOL.

well, there was a flood and while there probably wasn't an Ark there where parts not flooded. The otherwise inexplicable high civilizations in and around the 2 streams of eurphrat and tigris are remnants of the sunken much higher one. the surface of this planet seems to get cleaned up fairly regularly - at least more and more indicators for such events are uncovered world wide.

and yes, being brought up a protestant we did not have sunday school - fortunately.
We have it in our water, not many countries have except the Elite ones that seem to think they rule the world :cool:
Good for keeping the proles in their place when there isnt enough sport on.
Based on the very loose idea that it's good for kiddies teeth which we have all swallowed without asking why we wash the clothes and ourselves with this amazing stuff:ROFLMAO:
Not being a racist but remember when we saw pictures in the old days and lots of Japanese wore glasses, nutrition plays a big part in that too and Chinese were mostly short, well they have Basketball Players now, nutrition again I think.
asians all have the highest IQ on average - they seem not to select for Basketball primarily :sneaky:

What was that German who decided he was part of a super race? spose he had a high IQ too.
Half knowledge is a dangerous thing. while Hitler extrapolated quite freely what he thought to be the "arian race's phenotypical markers" this has way deeper roots in a quasi religious society that assumed alien (yes - off this planet beings) roots for that race and THAT race was thought to be super human in many respects - today's UFO buffs mostly call them the "blond nordics" and there are relatively trustworthy sources stating that Adolf met at least a few of them in person "and that he was shocked by their superiority".
Hitler was no idiot - although he is mostly depicted as fanatic half wit in all the sources the winners have written. He was also not a genius by any measure - but if you ask me who was smarter, he or Trump, I vote for the "fuehrer" LOL.
The entire back story of the first half of the 20th century is extremely interesting and convoluted and one thing I can assure you - most of what you read in history books is garbage.