Lots of "guests"


Staff member
477 Owner
Some times the forum shows 1 or 2 members online but 60+ guests and these are not known bots bc those are filtered out.
BUT what I did not know, a lot of companies are having their own in-house bots they use to scrape the net for information. So basically these are commercial companies selling what they find.
There really is not way to find out what is what without undue work involved - I for my part do not care much, we are not writing any stuff thats interesting outside the biker world - and anything written in the DEV section is invisible to bots.
The only way to avoid this data harvesting is to make the forum "members only" meaning one has to register to be able to read. I would not mind that either as we are already pretty exclusive - however in that case even the google bot would not be able to read our messages and that may be detrimental for legitimate traffic.
Recently I saw on AI, mention of the Himalayan and some of it was definitely derived from what is on this forum.
They suggest the optimal throttle Body size and it is taken from what @Sasa wrote and posted about the subject.
H-T is out there
Got is sorted - now you can see the number of members, guests and robots separately on the main page