April Fools Video


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A German YT blogger covering the Hima is talking about the new software for the TRIPPER and how it is now possible to display various engine parameters like oil temperature, rpm, time, etc. in the display - only to end it with April April ...

I wish I had that idea - for a moment I was believing in rising customer awarness in RE - but of course that is and will likely forever be a pipe dream.
Could be the Seed that starts it all šŸ˜‰
It was gamers that supercharged computer development at one time, like about 35 years ago so it could be German Blogger that kicks off a movement where the Owner of the Machine owns its Data, stranger things happen, take 911 for example:ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:
take 911 for example:ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:
in itself 911 is not strange - what is strange is that about 50% of high school educated Americans still believe a building can collapse in free-fall without being taken down by pre-placed charges - and a building that only had minor damage to boot. It shows how easy it is to use the old Goebbels paradigm: repeat a big lie often and most people will believe you....
we just observe this in Russia: Putin sprouts bullshit of enormous proportions and the Russian TV consumer gobbles it up.
Dustification is the only explanation I have seen/watched that explains it. the only remedy Beer IMO
The 50% you speak of probably believe in all sorts things Goebbels was right:(

Poor Buggers still watching TV ! I thought everybody "Streamed Content" no wonder he can fool them :cool: