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While updating the backup add-on (!!!) this locked up the forum for a while - until I got a solution from xenforo support that solved it.

great response time, it took them only 20 mins to reply to my request and with the correct solution to boot!

now we do not have a backup solution, but I am looking for a new one!
xenforo itself was updated, changes in this update threw a few of the add-ons I have and it took the coder a while to adapt. now all seems to work again.
the backup add-on could not be re-instated as the programmer insisted on me fixing his mistakes LOL

Instead I wrote a crontab script which will accomplish the same, I hope.
Took a week to get the new self designed backup script to work because my provider has this crummy security "feature" that shell scripts can not be executed by lowly shared server space users like me. Got it to work though, and now we have daily backup with 1 month retention, previously only once a week. So all good now.
There is another future hitch though, max execution time is 120 seconds and because I need to compress the backup (its 1.7 Gig compressed) that time limit is almost reached. So far its OK but if the content grows a lot I may have to look for a better solution, possibly change of provider.