Rejected User Registration - what to do


Staff member
477 Owner
This forum software has inbuilt spam recognition - which works most of the time but not all of the time.

If someone registers here and does NOT get an immediate email with a link to activate his account that means* he has been identified as "spammer". Obviously only in rare cases the email itself is blacklisted (although this does happen) - more often it is the IP address. Now people who use "free" email services all share the same server IP and if anyone on this server does spam the IP gets blacklisted.

I do get a notification and can manually activate such an account but on the other hand spammers are real and there simply is no way for me to know if this is the case.
I usually go with my gut feeling in such cases, e.g. overly strange email names and suspicious domain names get "spam cleaned".

But if you are a real person and experience this behavior, i.e. registration without confirmation email, please contact me with your real name and a functioning email address and I will manually add you.

*it can also mean the activation email landed in his spam folder!