Its a 410 after all


Staff member
477 Owner
I did use my digital (cheap chinese) caliper to measure the piston. I could have just looked it up. so long story short, its a 410cc engine now ...

both "specials" are gone (one reserved - the other gone) - waiting for new deliveries of cylinders and gaskets - could take a week or two.
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Hunter 410 -1.jpg
Every one of my "boys" who frequently test ride the new developments only want the HUNTER now. Its a shame as the 500 Meteor is now ready but it seems it can't shave off its "old peoples bike" image. Not to mention the 500 carby Hima, upgraded from 477. All of these need 500km break in and nobody wants to ride them :(
But I have to say the HUNTER is by far the easiest bike to ride in city traffic - I wait until the ordered 16 teeth sprockets come, that will make the bike a bit slower accelerating while giving it 10kmh or so more top end. That may reduce the sexy appeal LOL
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